Everyone who comes to Surfwell has their own concerns, anxieties, fears or questions...
one of the first things you will learn is whilst you may feel like you are the only one, you are not alone.
You will find Surfwell to be a non-judgemental safe space where everything is taken at your own pace.
If you want to share then we will listen, but if you need time to feel comfortable you can take as long as you need.
At Surfwell there is no pressure, and no expectations.
If you want to know what others have been worried about before coming then take a look at some of our more common FAQ’s below.
Does it matter if I can't swim well and I'm really unfit?
Our greatest successes have been with participants who can't swim or who never go in the sea. Surfwell instructors are all trained to keep you safe and the day is taken at your pace. In fact, it's not even about standing up! We work with your fears or concerns to build trust, improve confidence and to enjoy a sense of achievement. We have taken many participants who are petrified of the water but who have said it changed their lives! We're confident we can ensure you get everything you need from the day.
I feel anxious about talking in a group. Do I have to?
There is no pressure to open up; everything about the day is designed to put you at ease. You never have to talk if you don't want to and no-one else will know your reasons for attending unless you choose to share them.
Surfing all year round? I'll freeze!
We have top quality equipment to ensure you are comfortable and safe. We run sessions throughout the year - even when there is ice on the beach! - but all our participants always finish the day smiling.
I'm nervous about how I will look in a wetsuit.
Worries over body image are very common and many of our participants dread the idea of pulling on a wetsuit. However, you'll find that everyone is in the same situation and sympathetic to each other. Many of our participants have said they got so involved in the day they didn’t end up giving it a second thought. We promise - you will be too focused on your own achievements!